Everything begin with words.

In the beginning was the word.

No matter the circumstances or situation everything begins with words.
·       If a man or woman accuses another of a crime, wrong doing, or misdemeanor it began with words or a declaration.
·       If a man or woman seeks to go across the country and rescue people from unfortunately circumstances it began with a word/ or a declaration.
     If we wanted to go do something we declare it and then we go do it. Everything begins with words.
·       Begin each day with words.
·       Begin each night with words. 
Our publishing company focuses on words that build up.
Enjoy books that inspire and uplift.

Nakisha Hercule/Owner/Writer

My Choice: I speak well or I speak badly?

Just think about it………

Talking about it does not change it. 
Thinking about it does not change it.
Having knowledge about it does not change it. 

But when we fight fire (negative words) with (good) powerful words we find peace. 

"There’s no power in negative words. I decided to be a person who spoke good things. I don’t deny the problem but I like to magnify the good" 
Nakisha Hercule

World Mission: Give no attention to the bad
Pay attention to the good happening.
Magnify the good right in front of me.
Kill the bad by not feeding it attention. 

No need to change my looks, my weight, my hair color, I decided I needed to change my words. 

The only way to change is through your words!

We are all saying something. We are magnifying negative or we are magnifying the good.  Gossip, lies, and hate come from below. Acceptance, forgiveness, thinking good thoughts come from above. 

Say something good about someone you dislike!

The good is all around! We grow the good. 


The tongue is like a sword only the best and trained individual can use it well. It can cut between the soul and spirit. But if you cut too much you can kill. If you cut to little it doesn't help but skilled hands can handle their tongues; recognizing the power it holds. It can destroy or it can be a blessing to someone else.




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