January 12, 2021

 It is 2021. Two Thousand Twenty One. I remember graduating class of 2000. The danger we face is a new day of Mercy from God.......Why is a new day a danger...... because we must see time as it is....it is in his hands and one day is like a year. We think we have time to put things off but something comes and steals the time. Time is moving. 2021 is like 221 to God. He knows the times and seasons we do not. God saw corona virus years ago but it took the world by surprise. It is till causing us to scratch our heads in shock. 

When our love ones past it feels like forever but for God it has not been that long. 200 years of captivity is like 20 days to him. 40 days in the desert is like 4 hours. 400 years in the wilderness is like 40 days. One year  this virus  has been in America and it is like one day to God. It seems like forever to us. One day is like a year to us. We feel it and we are conscious; and we are counting. One hour of prayer feels like forever. I prayed 5 minutes and it felt like 5 hours. Time.. I am thinking about it and my spirit has grown tired already. It didn't last long that day. Jesus said could you not pray with me one hour. I need strength. I grow hungry. I grow weary. But we can build up the strength to endure prayer. You spirit can be strong or weak but we need strength...A 3 year trial feels like eternity. When you lay down to sleep are you conscious of time? No. You wake up to an alarm. We become unconscious and unaware of what is around us or what needs to be done and we rest in sleep. Time was moving but you were not aware of it. As we go through the day we begin to take note of time. We become aware the night is coming? When it gets dark out we will need lamps, candles, and oil to see or for us in 2021 we turn on our light switch because other than that how will you see anything. Peter learned how to pray long periods is it about time? I am not sure..... but why are we so conscious of it? Jesus counted how long they prayed. Does it matter to you? what about break throughs? Can we pray till we get the answer? Who determines the time? God is not on yours so how can you say 5 minutes or 5 hours. Pray till you get up in strength. Jesus prayed long and short times it is a mystery.

Why Morning Prayer?

Why night Prayer?

In our eyes we see time as if it is always on our side. The bible does tell us Jesus will come like  a thief in the night meaning a time we will not expect or think to expect him. Will it be a good time or a bad time? Think about your birthday how fast does it seem like we are aging? God does not age. He is not decaying. We have a corruptible body and we must be put in our incorruptible bodies when the time comes. We get tried fast but God does not tired out. That's why we sleep at night and forget about time. 

It has been years since the bible was written. Light years since Abraham feet brushed upon against the shore. A long time since Jesus arrived in Israel. A long time ago David killed a giant. A long time ago the children of Israel took the land. The bible is starting to seem as if it is far away but it is nigh. It must be sealed in your heart because our world does not make it big or mandatory. 

Our spirits are in need of God.

I want to be honest it has been rocky praying. It is not distractions it is me growing out of my selfish nature. It is putting God first and so many things compete for our attention. Do you tend to put prayer on the bottom of the todo- list. My goal is to bring it to the top of the list. It is the most important thing; God does not punish us if we fail to do it; so we don't make it urgent. But if we miss work there are consequences so we tend focus on those things that we feel we have to do. But Prayer has spiritual benefits and consequences. 

It is so worth it. We need it. For ourselves, others, and our world. We are simply asking God for help.

Prayer and Praise

Prayer Focus:

Lifting up one's hands to God

Ps 28:2

Hear my cry for mercy!

as I call to you for help,

as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.

Focus: Children can Praise God. Encourage your kids

Ps 8:2

Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and avenger. 

Have a great day!


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