January 19, 2021

 Prayer and Praise

Praying in the Name of Jesus 

Psalm 8:9

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!

Forgiveness and Prayer 

(God have mercy upon flesh)

Ps 51:1-19

Have mercy on me, O God, 

according to your unfailing love; 

according to your great compassion

blot out my transgressions

Wash away  all my iniquity 

and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my transgressions, 

and my sin is always before me. 

Against you, and only you, have I sinned

and done what is evil in your sight

so you are right in your verdict

and justified when you judge

Surely I was sinful from the time my mother

conceived me. 

Yet you desire faithfulness even in the womb; 

you taught me wisdom in that secret place, 

Cleanse me with Hyssop, and I will be clean.

wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.  


Psalm 108:5

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; may Your glory cover all the earth.

Poem: The Flesh and The Spirit 

If I walk in the flesh I produce fruit after the flesh.

If I walk in the spirit I produce fruits of righteousness.

How do I commune with God?

How do I dwell with God?

To Live for God is to die to self. 

Emotions, feelings, rights, attitudes, and things we feel entitled too.

A good man might die for his friends but no man will die for bad people. God died for bad people.

The greatest sacrifice is Jesus dying on the cross.

He gave us his LIFE.

There is nothing greater.

The second is being a living sacrifice. 

He wants to give us a new life.

Dying to desires.

Dying to feelings.

When we die to self we find real life.

It is not by our righteousness 

But it is by his physical death we learn how to die to self.

It hurts.

We are carrying a cross daily (he died for us)

We get mocked.

Sometimes it becomes heavy and we stumble and stagger.

We fall down in prayer only to feel God making you get back up.

He gives strength to say no to the flesh. He provides the power to crucify the flesh. 

He gave his life as a ransom.

And this pleased the Father. 

When we say no to self we please the Father. 

God is most pleased with a living sacrifice. 

A person that says no to self. 

And we glorify the son because we are living life his way.

To live for him is to say I have faith in him.

He did it first.

We stop fighting.

We stop wanting and start thanking.

We stop caring.

We stop honoring our thoughts

We pick up his thoughts

We stop rejoicing in flesh 

and We join him in the spirit

Every day we wake up we must be programmed. 

Sometimes we may feel neglected when we die to self. 

Jesus died to self. 

He did what was best for those around him.

What I want becomes what does he want?

What I need becomes God meet my needs.

To live this life with God means trying to dwell in the spirit with him.

It may seem like its bi polar.

Complete opposites it is. 

 We have a flesh.

We have a spirit

But it takes a good man to put aside his feelings for his friend.

Loving, knowing, and living God always causes us to lose our self and it is a hard thing. We cry, we fight, we moan, we run but if we give it up we will find real life. 

Have a good day!


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