August 14, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Saturday to you and those you love

Thank you Lord for helping us when we experience discord with families and close friends!

Jacob gets the blessing but he has to flee to Laban

Esau wanted to kill his brother Jacob. Rebekah was told what her son Esau had said he wanted to do, so she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, Your brother Esau is consoling himself with the thoughts of killing you. Now, you must flee at once. She told him to flee until the brother was no longer angry with him and he forgets what Jacob did to him. 

1. God knows what will happen even as far as us being in the womb. 

2. He is already ahead and prepared for every problem we will ever face. 


I discover these funny images on line

they can be found at 

They are meant to be funny and they really are. Some things are human nature and we can be some funny creatures when it comes to us trying to be spiritual and special. I think God really understands us even when we fall short. I thought these were so funny.

Have a great day!

Have a great day!


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