September 30, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Thursday

The Illustrated Bible is a wonderful reading source. 

This bible includes pictures, historical data, as well as the scriptures. 

Water From the Rock

  • The time came for them to move from the Desert of Sin
  • They arrived at Rephidim and at this place the people did not have any water to drink.

God owns every and he is everything (why would he allow them to experience situations like these?) 


What is God after?

What is he looking for?

Everything he does has purpose.


At this place the people argue with Moses, saying: "Give us water to drink"

  1. Moses tells them "Why do you put God to the test"
  2. Do you think when we have faith (it shows more in our actions) (a lack of faith will show in what we say) 
  • Their response to problems is as follows:
  • They complain to Moses
  • They argue with Moses
  • They become mean spirited
  • They say, "Why did you bring us out of Egypt" 


Moses Response

  1. He cries out to God
  2. He questions God, "What am I to do with this people" 
  3. At times they wanted to stone him                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         What might God be looking for? 
  4. We know he is taking them to the promise land
  5. But there is a way or a path to it
  6. Could he be looking for faith?
  7. Trust?
  8. Patience?
  9. Long suffering
  10. He delivered them could he hope they were thankful
  11. That they would trust him since he took them from a very cruel place
  12. Or even that they could come to love him or get to know him
  13.  If you were in a relationship and every time things get rough the person wanted to quit on you or divorce you would you feel like you could not trust them. Or when things are bad they desire to go back to their ex. Making you feel jealous or not good enough. I think that is a tough relationship to be in. The person is not faithful or we could say committed to the relationship. If we experience problems and conquer them together why leave the relationship? Its like walking on egg shells with the person (you always have to please them) they are not genuinely happy with you. Or they are happy with you when everything goes well and if does not go well then they want to leave you and they are angry at you.


God tells Moses what to do. 

He tells him to strike the rock and give them water!

He gives them what they want?
Does it changes the relationship?


Moses wanted the people to know and have faith in God but they struggled with it. 


Have an awesome day!



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