February 03, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Wednesday 

Ps 17:6

I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech.

Have you ever been in disagreement with someone? I think we all have felt at one time or another that the person we are in disagreement with  well that person think they are right and we think we are right. Somehow in the midst of the disagreement you find yourself desperate for them to hear you. The worst thing you can do in a disagreement is speak your side and shut the other person out. Or close your ears to hear others. Have you ever had someone tell you how they feel and then hang up the phone or walk out and slam the door. Shutting down all communication. I want to say if you truly want peace with others we can try to hear them even when we think or know they are wrong. We want others to hear our heart and understand our position. Sadly Sometimes we have great success and there are other times its a lost. That person have their side and you have your side. I love this scripture because it says God will hear me. It does not say he will do what I want but he it says he will hear me. He will incline his ear unto me and hear my words. We don't listen because we want to be right we listen because we care and even if we still disagree at least we understand and then we can make good choices concerning the next course of actions. 

Discord and fighting is all around us and in 2021 the greatest battles we face is getting along. People think differently. They see things differently and sadly they might not have biblical base ideas. However a good Christian keeps in mind the fact  that God will bless us because we have unity and if a person refuses to hear you then you have to give that issue to God and do what is best for you. If two parties want to get along they have to be willing to hear. If they refuse to hear you, let it go... But it is never okay for you to experience being shut out or unheard. Healthy communication is a two way street. We must then hear God and seek understanding. 


O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh will come.

We come to God because we know he hears us. Who wants to take time out for someone or something that refuses to hear you. Its easy to be the dominant talker but it takes a humble and righteous person to be a listener because they have come to the point they have stopped seeking to be right or control others. They seek to truly understand where you are coming from. How beautiful it is to be understood. 

Ps 66:19

But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.


Have a great day!


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