February 23, 2023


Happy Friday!

As I child I love to read. I love to read about people and places different than my world. Woodson believed a person who wants to learn is powerful. It is not living life through another person's experience but having your own. It is your own pursuit and chase for what you love that makes it yours. Even your own relationships you are active in them. Woodson's message points in that direction. He is not saying trust every thing we hear but to seek and learn new things to make life better. It's okay to learn from others but it's so much better when a person has an inner desire within themselves. 

A consistent message

For me, education means to inspire people to live more abundantly, to learn to begin with life as they find it and make it better.
Carter G. Woodson


Have a beautiful day! 

Have a great weekend!

Share, love, and grow.

If you were perfect people would complain.

If you have flaws they complain.

The Pharisees had so many issues with Jesus. But he just kept going. He maintain his personal relationship with God. Don't let others determine how you feel. According to them you are far from God. But let God speak for himself. Let him show you how he feels. I bet he is more understanding, and supportive even when we are at our worst.

It is for better or worst. 

God is faithful.

He doesn't leave when you fall short.

But he is God. He does things his way. His ways are a mystery to me. Sometimes he does one thing. Another time something else. But it is his to decide and not ours. Our opinions don't matter when it comes to God. People try to speak for God and its hard to do because they don't know everything but he does.


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