The Kingdom of God is like a man that Cast his net in the sea.....

Vessels of Gold

Worthy of the highest honor

Vessels of Silver

Worthy of their Honor


Vessels of dishonor

Not fit for the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God is like a man that cast his net into the sea. The Master's cast his net into the sea gathering everything into his net and then he sorts everything out. The Master is God; and the things gathers is people and life is sorting out those of value and worth. We all experience same or similar trials in life and some people will become Christ like while others will reject God. Sometimes people become weary of being broke, broken, or trodden over. Others take their brokenness, and broken pieces and discover real value in Jesus Christ. 

What is life making you into?
Will you over come this world?
Will you master the world?
Will you be sucked into racism?
Will you be deceived by riches?
Will you be like the those who look poor but are rich?
Will you be rich in the world but poor in heaven?
Will you be a vessel of honor?
A vessel of dishonor?
Do you believe what the world say?
Will you believe in what God says?
Will you endure to the end?

Building up publishing publishes writings for the purpose of up lifting and building up others with ideas from the bible. 


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