Who do you listen to?

Lions, Tigers, Sheep, Snakes, and Bears!
The word of God is a lamp unto my feet (the highest form of words given to man)
The Devil roams about like a Lion seeking whom he may devour!
Whom do you listen to!
What choices we have!

"The Lord is my shepherd" David

King/Prophet David listened to God
Good words that keep the soul walking upright
The shepherd feeds us good words. His word reaches into the depths of our souls and brings us out of darkness.
Healthy Souls vs Unhealthy souls
Healthy Souls are:
 Unhealthy souls are:
full of unrighteous judgments
"As for you, My sheep, the sheep of My pasture, you are men, and I am your God," declares the Lord GOD.

Words enter into our souls. Our bodies respond to the words that we listen to. Our hearts are shaped by the words that we hear. Our words are seeds and the heart is the soil. Just like trees we produce fruit based upon what words we value, think on, and mediate on. 

  • wrongly connected
  • Disconnect
  • Walk in reality and not fantasy
  • what influences your thinking

A great article to read ( I loved it) Great Understanding about the inner fixings of the mind. Of course God loves us thinking on what is right but be mindful of the negative forces in the universal that seek to kill, steal, and destroy. 

The Power of Repeated Words and Thoughts

By Remez Sasson
Thinking is usually a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and sensations. Thoughts are visitors, who visit the central station of the mind. They come, stay a while, and then disappear, making space for other thoughts. Some of these thoughts stay longer, gain power, and affect the life of the person thinking them.
Do you, like most people, let thoughts connected with worries, fears, anger or unhappiness occupy your mind most of the time?
Do you keep occupying your mind with inner conversation about negative situations and actions?
Such inner conversation eventually, affect the subconscious mind, which accepts them as real.
It is of vital importance to be careful of what goes into the subconscious mind. Words and thoughts that are repeated often get stronger by the repetitions, sink into the subconscious mind and affect the behavior, actions and reactions of the person involved.
Works Cited


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