
There is only one race.
The human race.
These are flawed creatures.
They are capable of making poor choices.
Sometimes they should stop feeling and think more.
Sometimes they should stop thinking and feel more.
They are subject to be enticed by money and greed.
They walk with a limp.
But God gives offers them a rod.
They are considered to be in a fallen state until salvation.
They need forgiveness more than they offer it.
They seek to cause distinctions among themselves.
Race, status, skin color, home owner, apartment owner, tall, catholic, long hair, blonde hair, etc
Those distinctions are silly but they hang on to them for dear life.
The animals are not smart enough to think about the differences about them.
They just seek to survive and live.
Some believe white skin is better.
Others believe that black skin is the real thing.
The Jews are the apple of his eye.
But others believe its just a lie!
Among themselves these distinctions lead to wars and hate.
Since the beginning of time human beings have been flawed.
Satan spoke to the woman and she gave to the man.
The male still seeks to control and beat the woman into submission.
Old curses lingering on the earth.
Others seek to determine what is the divine?
Look out into the world and its millions of religions.
Human beings can create anything with their minds.
The mind needs the most help.
It sees what doesn't exist,
Because they have the power to think it does exist.
They hear what it wants to hear.
Because they desire everything to be such as they think.
It thinks on the things it should not.
Humans see people the way they want to see them.
Some are good.
Others are bad.
Even though we all know they are all bad.
We accept those we want and we look real hard with prying eyes to analyze why we should not like other beings.
They think too much.
They eat too fast.
They just don't fit in with the other beings.
But its okay we are only human.
Don't expect to much and disappointment will never show up.
Isn't it amazing how much God could love such a thing?
Or does he see us as we really are.
Flawed and in need of truth.
Without him human beings are pretty blind.
Blind to the truth.
What is the secret truth?
You are no better than your fellow brother.
He can run.
He can jump.
Sometimes higher than you.
Sometimes God allows him to run 10 extra miles.
Together we can all live.
Not as one but as one race.
Something will always be there to divide.
Racist ideas is just lies.
If all men are given a fair chance they can accomplish the same dreams.
All men are created equal.
Humans have created unequal systems.
We all have the same brain and abilities to function.
God gives us the chance to seek and find.
Just remember whatever path you take.
The choice was yours.
You can join any group.
You can think on anything that you please.
But the truth is there are millions of humans on the earth.

Author: Nakisha Hercule


When the enemy shows up.
We learn what to do.
We harden ourselves in preparation for the blow.
We toughen ourselves up to ensure that we do not feel the pain he is about to inflict.
Pain hurts.
God can heal the wounds.
In the midst of the hits.
We experience blurry vision.
While seeking to push the evil away.
We end up pushing the good away too.
Sadly good is mixed in with the bad.
He would not stand a chance alone.
So he mingles and makes his place among the good.
Sometimes its hard to know which is which.
We are protecting the soul.
Sadly the good will suffer with the bad.
But it is a good suffering.
It will lead us to the truth.
It is a sacrifice.
It is self less
We suffer his hits because he is good at hiding.
He hides in uniforms, behind crosses, and even wealth.
God knew that we would experience suffering
and sometimes that suffering will leave the soul in anguish.
But only God can find and remove the enemy.

Author: Nakisha Hercule


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