Give Others A Break

When I think about the statement I picture God saying Give your brother/sister a break.
Let things go. Some people believed they are helping you become better when they talk about what is wrong with you but I think that is a sick person taking credit for what God does. People give us lemons but God gives the ingredients to make lemonade. Treating others bad does not make them a better person; it means that person took the negative things and use it as stepping stones to become better. Looking at other people faults keeps us from being honest with us. A person who does these things may have a tendency to become obsessed with other people sins and shortcomings especially if they are Christian. It is one man looking at another man with more external issues and saying (I am the better person) but from God's height we learn that both men fail to measure up.

* No need to stalk me I confess( I have issues)
* I grow each year into a more healthier state
* I am not ashamed to voice my weaknesses
* I strive to overcome those things that are not becoming
* I have issues I struggle with in private
* I may not voice or display those behaviors publicly because I am human and its no ones business
* I come from less than perfect family
* We love one another just the way we are.
* We believe that we are growing into better people.
* I thank God everyday that he kept us despite our shortcomings.
* As I grow I become like the person I desire to be 100% of the time
* I do not need to stalk anyone to learn that you have issues too.
* We tend to studied others because we have not overcome the darkness in us
* What looks pretty on the outside is not always the reflection on the inside
* Its okay to be honest with yourself
* Pointing out the flaws and shortcomings is the job of a troubled person
*Some people know they need help others don't
* Others spend time looking at others faults
Love your neighbor as you love yourself means giving others a break.
Surprise people have issues.
They have private and public issues.
They have external and internal issues.
Its called being human.

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