Happy New Year

A New Year brings with it the hope of new things. The thoughts of how can I do things better next year? Most people think about mistakes they made. Others ignore their mistakes only to realize they never go away until we acknowledge them and make things right with ourselves or others. Some people set goals to do new things. As we cross over into the New Year (2019) may your life be filled with hope when disappointment comes. Peace in the midst of every storm. Self control when anger arises. The courage to do things better just because we are people with the ability to grow stronger with each New Year. Lastly, the strength to leave regrets, disappointments, and dislikes behind. Its a New Year.

I love taking chances.
Wayne Newton
He who takes no chances wins nothing.      
Danish Proverb
If you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances.
Julia Soul

The second-worst thing in the world is betting on a golf game and losing. 
The worst is not betting at all. 
Bobby Riggs


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