December 21, 2020

Jeremiah demonstrates great courage and responsibility when handling the word of God. It is important to correctly relate to people. If you reject people that's your personal right but if you take on the responsibility of being a prophet or preacher it means that you have to relate to people as God would relate to them. God does not feel like we feel. He does not respond to people like we would respond. I really love the book of Jeremiah because Jeremiah had a tough message. He gave them the word with love. He delivered a tough message with grace. He is an example of what God desires. He also spoke just as God wanted him too. 

I had some questions as I was reading.

How does Jeremiah handle giving such a hard message to the people?

Why is he called the weeping prophet?

Do you think he loved the people?

Why do you think God chose him to deliver such a hard message?

As I thought about the questions I was reminded of how the book opens up with God telling Jeremiah I formed you in the womb. I know you, Jeremiah. He knows how much Jeremiah loves his people and he weeps while giving this message. It is not joyful to him. We should not rejoice with bad news or giving bad news. Or belittling others and bringing shame on them or exposing people. But I think if you had to do that it is important to have a heart of love. You don't want to confuse your feelings with God feelings. If you lack mercy and love when trying to preach repentance you push people away from God. I think Jeremiah had the right heart for the right message. Even when the people become angry with him he does he does not allow them to make him angry. He does not abuse the word. He does not serve his own purpose. But he tells them the exact word of God. In a way he serves the purpose of having the people best interest in mind. He goes to God on behalf of the people. But God does not change his mind. God is judging his people and Jeremiah knows it; he says the words were like fire shut up in his bones. He has to get it out. If the people did what they wanted to do things would have become worst. God knew what would happen if Jeremiah handle this word. The people respected him and they would submit to the word of the Lord and he planned to bring them back but they had to go through a dark time. 

Jeremiah 50

A Message About Babylon

The last few chapters proclaims God's judgements against those cities that punished Israel. God knows the heart of a man. He uses the good and bad to serve his purpose. Even though God knew what these wicked Kings would do he does not allow them to walk away free from judgement. Everyone gets judged. Israel gets punished and I am not sure if you see it but I see a pattern. First God deals with children and after he punishes them he will deal with the wicked. The wicked sit and watch the punishment of God's people but theirs is soon to come too. God is definitely not happy with them either. 

Judgement begins with the house of God and then it rolls on down to everyone else. 

‘Babylon will be captured;

    Bel will be put to shame,


 “Israel is a scattered flock

    that lions have chased away.

The first to devour them

    was the king of Assyria;

the last to crush their bones

    was Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.”

God punishes the King of Babylon and the King of Assyria. 

“I will punish the king of Babylon and his land

    as I punished the king of Assyria.

But I will bring Israel back to their own pasture.

Why is God punishing the wicked kings when he wanted Israel punished.

Some people see this as being contradictory. But it is not. God knows the hearts of people. He already know what they will do under specific circumstances. This is evident through out the bible. God tells Moses that Pharaoh will harden his heart and he will not listen to the words of God. It also reads as saying God harden Pharaohs heart. It could also be that God knew he had a hard heart. God is all knowing. So he used him for his purpose but his actions belong to him. Why should he not be judge? God does not enter this man body and tells him what to do. But God knows his every move. He tells what will happen before it happens. Likewise in Jeremiah we see a similar pattern. God proclaims judgement and he empowers the King of Assyria, and the King of Babylon to invade and take the people of Judah captive. God is going to allow it to happen but it does not mean the King of Assyria and the King of Babylon should not punished. I think the bible is correct. God should and he must punished the King of Babylon and the King of Assyria because God does not temp people to do evil. He simply knows the heart of these Kings so if they have certain elements in their favor they are going to be cruel. He knows that they are cruel in spirit that is why they had things work in their favor but later on they will be punished. Once again the actions of these wicked Kings belong to them and not God. God sends his judgement to them after he finishes with Israel.

   The Last three chapters.......


Judgment is the all-pervasive theme

Jeremiah is careful to talk about repentance

Jeremiah's love for his own people

God was ultimate to Jeremiah

Jeremiah experienced backlash for speaking the words of God

Reveals that God is creator of all things

God is all powerful 

Have you enjoyed the book? 


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