December 23, 2020

 We have come to the end of Jeremiah.

It was a great book. 

Below is a kids video but it is also a nice video that really captures the heart of Jeremiah.

the book of Jeremiah contains the message of Judgement.

He loves his people and he has to tell them that life as they know is about to change as well as the fact that God is far from please with his people. I want to thank you for sharing this journey with me through the book of Jeremiah. I hope that you walk away with having learned more or even the appreciation of watching a man who serves God as well as how to handle people when it comes to speaking what God wants you to say instead of what you think people want to hear. The people actually made fun of Jeremiah they called him the prophet of doom. Every time he opened his mouth it was something about disaster. He did have messages about returning but it was certain the people would experience bad times. I want to also stress the fact that God never leaves Jeremiah alone. He is with him directing him and giving light unto his path with the word of God. 

Have a great day!


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