December 31, 2020 Happy New Year!

 A Year of Prayer and Praise


Praying and Praising Daily Monday to Sunday

What is prayer to you? 

It is about the way you sit? 

Is it about the way we hold our hands?

Is there a feeling to it?

  • “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16 KJV ). The phrase, "effectual fervent," has been a well-known expression used in relationship to prayer for centuries.

having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent:
a fervent admirer; a fervent plea.
hot; burning; glowing.

producing or capable of producing an intended effect; adequate.
valid or binding, as an agreement or document.

(A righteous man will have an intense and warm prayer and he will have a burning plea  in  his prayer and it will availeth much. To me is shows that he has faith. Prayer and passion is okay with the Lord! When you believe there's some excitement! Some people want to shout to the heavens; glory to God he hears me!)

The Pharisees and religious sects prayed and they had no faith. They prayed to be seen of men. They prayed because it was their religious duty. How much more does prayer go beyond our world and it travels to the heavens. It is your spirit meeting up with God. I often times hear people joke and say to people they dislike that prayer didn't make it past the ceiling. How can we know our prayer reaches God.

Can the ceiling stop your prayer? Maybe the person stops their own prayers and things don't change. How sad it would be to not be honest with you about how you feel in your heart towards others. No man can see my heart but God can. 

The ceiling cannot hinder our prayers but heart issues can. (Unforgiveness, Hate, lack of love)

When you begin to prayer and feel his presence you know for yourself. For me I know when its right. I know when its wrong. Sometimes I cannot speak much I sense that God already knows what I am going to say; but I find myself worshiping then I ask God for help and strength. Its hard out here in the 20th century. Strength to stand when people make fun of you. When friends turn away. Have you noticed God does not make things easy on us but in prayer we find the strength to face the obstacle. Do you find yourself praying for others this is natural and normal and I think God is please when we put our needs in his hands and lift up others. As far as the body goes taking a knee or bowing on the ground is out of reverence to God. In surrendering we bow our heads. It is just out of respect to God. A long time ago when a king conquered a land he knew the people were surrendered because everyone bowed down. They took a knee. It means I am helpless; I am bowing down to him. 

The Message we send to God: God I need you! 

The devil does not want us to pray. It may be hard to pick up the body but it is worth it. Strength comes immediately. If you fall to your knees you will find help to get up. I use the word fall because it is the body that does not want to move. 

We find strength in prayer. God strengthens the spirit. 

It revitalizes the spirit. God refreshes the soul.

It is our spiritual connection to God. God hears from his throne.

He will tell you or put it in your spirit what he wants you to do.

It may not be with words but it may be just a desire to make a change.

Nehemiah 4:9

But when Samballat, Tobjah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the people of Ashdod heard that, the repairs to Jerusalem's walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat. 

The enemy threatened them and they matched the threat with prayer.

The also took actions.

Prayer + the proper action= God doing everything you can't do.

No matter what happens continue to pray. In the spirit things are happening but we cannot give up because the things you pray for will manifest themselves because we pray according to the will of God. 

Praise and Prayer Connection

Dt 8:10

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful not to forget him.

We all praise differently but whatever you do; do it your way. Use music, instruments, dancing, singing, hands or feet. It is really nice  to praise God. 

Have a great day!


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