January 13, 2020

 What happens if we avoid prayer? What happens if we don't think its important? Or what happens if we never make it apart of our lives.

We know Jesus prayed

We know he taught the Disciples how to pray.

We know King David prayed.

We know great men prayed.

They all have one thing in common they had success and pleased God. Maybe not all the time (except for Jesus) but even when King David failed he prayed. Good and bad times.

Men and women who pray have success.

Men and women who do not pray may not find the strength when times are hard.

A Cool Thing to Know

The Western Wall

The Western Wall's holiness in Judaism is a result of its proximity to the Temple Mount . Because of the Temple Mount entry restrictions, the Wall is the holiest place where Jews are permitted to pray, though the Foundation Stone, the most sacred site in the Jewish faith, lies behind it.

Walls separate things. Walls protect. I find it a beautiful thing and story because behind the western Wall is a very holy temple. The wall is about as close as man can come to the temple because the temple is restricted. I love the holiness and the respect for the temple. But the chance to come to the wall is just as beautiful. One day we will be one with God but just like that wall is as close as you can come to the temple; prayer is just as close as coming to God. It is like going in your spirit to his home and knocking on the door. You come close to God. I see why those great men prayed they had a relationship with God and they dwelled in his presence. How beautiful is that. 

A Year of Prayer and Praise

Focus: Approaching God's throne of Grace

Heb 4:16

Let us then approached God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may received mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


Focus: The Nations praise God

May the peoples praise you God, may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the people with equity and guide the nations of the earth. May the people praise you, God; may all the people praise you.

Have a great day!


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