March 10, 2021

 Spring is fast appraoching

L Religious Jewish Holidays



Mar 28, 2021

Passover - First Day


Apr 04, 2021

Passover - Final Day

Topic: Prayer and Praise

Paul and Silas in Prison 

Acts 16: 25-26

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prisons were shaken. 

In times of trouble we can talk to God. I am not sure if you have noticed but all of these examples are filled with emotions real situations that biblical figures prayed and immediately God moved. Prayer that is a show is not going to be answered by God but when it is sincere it is powerful. When we experience hurt or pain the last thing we think about is praying. Emotions is following and typically we choose the wrong thing to do but what if in those moments when  you are hurting or someone has offended what if you went to your secret place and talk to God. In these examples he moved fast. Think about King David in his moments with Saul and he is praying to God about it. What if every time we feel wrong or something wrong happens we pray. 

Have a awesome day!


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