May 25, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Tuesday! 

 Today stay calm, stay cool, stay together. 

What about that person who likes to hurl insults all day long?

What about that person who criticize or point out everything that's wrong?

The answer is simple: Do not participate. 

Being offended does not hurt the enemy it strengthens him. Angry people want to make other people angry. 

Ignore, ignore, and ignore.

Can you really stop that mean person? No. So dont let them stop you.


What is moral? 

This is an great example of no morals. Someone posted a provocative picture of a lady in a private position dressed in her undergarments. You could tell it was a personal picture. And the caption on the bottom said; she has been married 3 times and she sleeps with married men. This was posted on a street light visible to everyone. I didnt notice it sometimes I dont pay attention to things like that but it was so disgusting the neighbors pointed it out to me. So I walked over and looked at it. It was a black woman and it was very degrading.  My other thought was; whoever posted this has no morals either who is the right person. Both are wrong. To put her private picture up Secondly who knows if it is true or not. The spreader is just as flawed in character. Maybe she hurt that person and they wanted to retaliate. The lady in the picture is compromised but also what kind of person seeks to post something like that. I told the neighbors whomever did that was totally wrong. The next day after everyone saw it and shared my reaction Over night someone tore it down. I believe the person who posted it tore it down.They didn't get the reaction they wanted. Every one who saw it was disgusted at the person who put up there. Two lessons. They made her look bad but at the same time they made themselves look bad. They should be embarassed too. What kind of person puts up nude photos of someone without their permission. My point is you cant fight fire with fire. Both parties will lose. 

Good people think on good things. 

PS 145: 5

They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty and I will mediate on your wonderful works

His works are all around us. 

 Mediate on these things they inspire us to praise God.

ISA 2:10

Go into the rocks, hide in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the Splendor of his Majesty!

Have a wonderful Day! 


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