June 14, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Monday

Extol the Lord, Jerusalem;

Praise your God, Zion.

He Strengthens the bars of your gates

and blesses your people within you.

He grants peace to your borders

and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.

God is good all the time.

God is great all the time.

When we live life without God. (The enemy tricks us into serving his plans). The enemy uses people and the word enemy is not used to insult people; it simply means someone who is contrary to God's purpose for you. An ememy wants to detour you from the right path. In summary they are an enemy to your purpose. A friend is someone who supports  your purpose and plans. Supporting you in your career, your goals, and or the non profit things you want to accomplish. An enemy wants to see you do bad or always falling down while a friend picks you. We know that God calls us friends and he is the friend you want.


Have a great day!


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