August 26, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Thursday

I saw this poem and I wanted to share 

It comes out the Illustrated bible and it is called a contemporary meditation



For Sale

Selling my Brother,


has become a habit with me.

He is sold to the jeering crowds

because he leads his life 

in a peculiar way,

beyond the established norms, 

and because he seems 

to specialize in error.

And I say nothing.


He is sold to the speculators, 

who harness his skills

and unusual talents, 

appreciating them as 

a source of their 

expanding net worth.

And I remain mute.


He is sold to the slanderers, 

who seize his reputation

and destroy it with a few vicious 


And I remain mute.


He is sold to oblivion 

as a result of his poverty

because no one has the will 

to oppose injustice.

And I stand aloof.


My brother is sold to contempt, 

and I --lower my eyes.


What have I become, 


that I can accept

that my brother be sold?


Gen 37:12-36

New Illustrated Bible


I thank God because he teaches us to love one another as we love ourselves and if you don't want it done to you or said about you; just maybe we will not be okay with ourselves if see our brothers and sisters being sold.  When we see these things they send us a message.


Have an awesome day!



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