September 13, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

How can we pray without faith?

How can we praise without Faith?


Happy Monday

 The Lord is my Salvation (Hezekiah)




Hard Labor


Look Down Upon

We would never expect the great nation of God to be treated with such contempt. God promised Abraham that he would make his seed into a great a nation. Many sons and daughters would be born into this great Faith that Abraham Had. Faith is the key to this group coming out this oppressed state. It is Faith in an unseen God who goes toe to toe with the God's of Egypt. The people watch. What God is greater? We see the triumph story of Joseph and then we are taken to Exodus and the narrative changes. 

Joseph was sold into slavery.

God is with him and he prospers under hard and difficult circumstances.

He learns about God. 

Jacob flees from his brother Esau and he prospers and finds out who God is. 

If you ever wonder if God is the author or supporter of slavery or oppression than we know for a fact he is not in support of slavery or oppression. We know from Exodus the devil is the slave Master. He uses hard and difficult things in life to hold back people destined to be great. In the midst of slavery we find God is always at work but he sees something different. How can you make a debased person Great? How can this people take off one garment or put on another? 

By Faith they will become a great nation and only they can do for themselves. 

But first they must overcome him (the wicked one) because he is on the earth and in the midst of problems we learn how to defeat evil.

God shows that he greater than the devil on the earth.

God's power is demonstrated in our weakness. 

God does not enslave or oppress people. He is the deliverer and he frees people from the grips of Satan. Anyone who believes in Slavery is not from God. Any man or woman who oppresses another person by restricting them from decent work or a decent life is being used by Satan. Those things come not from God but they come from the devil.

(Making Bricks: It was grueling Work few Chose to do)

  • The process was simple but it was intense labor
  • It was tedious and exhausting
  • This type of work was reserved for slaves 
  • Prisoners of war or a despised group of people like the Israelite's.
  •  Some may say if the Israelite's out numbered the Egyptians why not over throw them
  • But that goes to say that it took God to change the mind of this group of people
  • They were use to being ruled instead of being rulers so their oppressors ruled them
  • But when they grab hold to faith in God they become a strong people
  • What does it mean to become great? 
  • What does it mean to be a servant?
  • Who and when determines the narrative? 

God can turn a slave into a great man or woman. It is the mind he works on and it will be devil who manipulates circumstances to hinder and trick us from faith in God. 

The devil used the betrayal of Joseph brothers to hold him back but he overcame it. He used prison to discourage him but Joseph overcame it. It was by faith he did what was right and he became a great figure in Egypt. It is in our problems we grow. He is model of what the people will conquer and do with God.

Have a wonderful day!

Slavery and those who enjoy the fruits of it, or the purpose of slavery which is to debased another human being are not from God. Just because it happens does not mean God supports it. 


Freedom comes through Faith 

Do we wanna be great?

We might find ourselves in strange situations but it is by Faith that we will become great overcoming Evil and all the devil can create. 


Happy Yom Kippur

September 15, 2021

A celebration of Freedom


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