September 16, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise 

The many names of God

God tells Moses his name is Yahweh, (It is a verb in Hebrew; which means to be)

Interpreted as Yahweh= I am who I am

It is read aloud as Adonai (just because Yahweh is so respected they say Adonai which means (my Lord)


Yahweh Shalom = God of peace

Yahweh Sabaoth = Lord of Hosts


Other names with the root EL

Elohim ( a noun that means deity; refers to his awesome power and majesty)

El Shaddai = (God of Almighty)

El Berith = (God of the Mountain)

El Elyon = (God Most High)

El Oalm = (God the Everlasting One) 


Have a great day!



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