September 24, 2021

Topic: Prayer and Praise

 Happy Friday

Praise God for his mighty deeds

A lot of events took place in Egypt. But finally Pharaoh let the people go. Long before Moses Joseph was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt. It was there that God brought his people out of Egypt. I like to keep in mind that Joseph became a great man in Egypt but he was still a slave. He was sold into slavery by his brothers but he acquired great favor from the different rulers and it was not the same as having their own land. Secondly it was not what God promised them. But he blessed them there until the death of Joseph. When the 12 brothers and their Father arrived in Egypt they received the same favor as Joseph; and lived well but they were still beneath the Egyptians. And surely when they begin to grow and prosper Pharaoh decided he did not want them prospering because they would become great and out number the Egyptians. He feared them growing and blossoming. So he made things hard for them. But God heard the cry of his people and he sent Moses.



DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME (Jesus told the disciples how to remember the acts of God) There are things we do in remembrance of what God has done for us.

God told Moses;

  • "Consecrate to me every first born male"
  • The first offspring would belong to God (male or beast)
  • Livestock was how they survived 
  • It was food and a way of life
  • It was in the day they were leaving; God said consider this day to be the first of the month
  • They were to eat unleaven bread
  • All these things were signs and a way to remember that God brought them out of Egypt with a mighty-hand. 
  • They were to keep these instructions year after year
  • Today we still keep them. You may celebrate Easter or Passover or even both of them in remembrance of a passing from life to death (New Testament) or a a passing from a land of bondage to a land flowing with milk and honey. 
  • It was very important to do these things they entered into the promise land.  
  • What does it mean to do that it: Why do we do it?                                                                                                                                                                      
  •  We consecrate the first born male and give them to God because God saved them from Pharaoh's desire to kill them.
  • "With a mighty hand the Lord brought us our of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the lord killed every firstborn in Egypt, both man and animal. This is why I sacrifice to the Lord the first Male offspring of every womb.  (The Illustrated Bible)
  • Have a great day!


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