, September 27, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Monday

The Bitter Waters of Marah and Elim

Problem after problem.

Why do you think God allowed these circumstances.

After leaving the Red Sea. Moses lead the people to the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled with no water and the water available to them was too bitter to drink. The people grumbled and complained against Moses. Moses cried out to God and God caused the water to become sweet.

1. It is almost natural to think that everything should go perfect as a Christian. It would be ideal to have perfect circumstances especially since we serve such a big perfect God. The reality is a perfect God uses life and situations to show us heavenly things or to teach and engage us about things far beyond our understanding.

His ways are higher than ours and he allows us to experience imperfect situations. He took them to the path where the red sea was located and then he harden the Egyptians hearts to go after them one more time, and now he leads them to bitter water. He wants them to trust him. Trust that he can do all things.


In each situation God shows himself strong. He is able to provide and to fix things for them but the people wanted everything to be easy and perfect. As they sung the song how God has cast the rider and his horse into the sea we can see they love God. I can image that the Egyptians were tough people.

We can also see things through Moses perception. When there is a problem he calls upon God and a mighty act is done. From the peoples perspective they are desiring for everything to go right and they don't want any problems of issues but if they go into the promise land with that attitude their surrounding enemies would defeat them because every time there is a problem it causes them to pull away from God instead of relaxing and trusting in God.  God is very much aware of every problem they have because he leads them to the problems. Think about a problem in your life. How do you think about it. We never think that God lead me to this. The problem is easy for God but what do our problems say about us.

Have a great day. 


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