September 28, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Manna and Quail

In the Desert of Sin

1st the Red Sea

2nd Bitter Water

3rd Manna

Maybe it is their desire to return back to bondage that makes one question their thoughts. 

Or their thinking that a task master or wicked person is better than God in the desert.

I can't speak for others but I would rather be in a desert with no socks and shoes; old bread; and bitter water than return to my past. I would thank God everyday for that bread. Egypt could keep the meat because I need my freedom. The Egyptians wanted to kill their sons, they gave them the worst work, and they did not respect their God. I would take my staff and walk on rocks and limp to that promise land. I remember how wicked the devil can be when you are under him. Others say  it was their attitude that was bad. When I think about the past it was so horrible the devil never have to worry about me returning. God help me.... because I shall not return.  But they wanted to go back to Egypt. Why not risk it all on a promise then serve evil. Why settle for riches among the wicked. But maybe they didn't believe in the promise. I remember how bad bondage can be. It is beautiful to have God and a little than to  have a lot with evil. Moses left Egypt because they were so wicked. He became poor and trusted in God. I have walked away and restarted my life. I have left everything to gain something better. The disciples left everything to have Jesus. It sure is hard but its better than the evil and bondage we leave behind. 

(Between Elim and Sinai) At this Desert the children of Israel hunger for the meat from Egypt. 

  • After two months of leaving Egypt; the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron.
  • The People longed for the meat in Egypt. They complained saying, "If only we had died by the Lord's hand in Egypt." 

They believe that God brought them into the desert to starve them. God rains down manna from heaven. They were to gather only enough for the day but many of them took more than what they needed. They ate this manna for 40 years. 

It reminds me of the three loaves of bread and the fish Jesus blessed and served the people he taught. God does the same miracles.

Have a great day!



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