October 03, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Sunday 

From the book "The Greatest Story Ever Told" 

"If loneliness is man's fate when he searches for an identity, is there not a cry of such terrible, desolate loneliness when Jesus asked, from the cross itself, why his Father had forsaken him? Many times Jesus was asked. "Are you He'? "Are you the One?" Are you the Christ? To his disciples, He answered, Who do you say I am?" In asking them this, He was doing more than giving them an exercise in Faith. He was giving them an insight into the nature of the voyage of self-discovery which man must make during his life." 


Everyone didn't make it to the promise land. They started the journey together but the end was different.

Only a few

Everyone will not enter the Kingdom of God

Everyone will not go to heaven

(The Greatest Story of Every Told)

There is a place were no one can go with us. It is very lonely but it is in that place that we discover who we are. We don't have faith in God because God is tricking us we need to have faith in God because this world is contrary to God. So he asks us to have Faith in his word because the world is the lie. Its like being blind without him but he opens our eyes with light and truth while the world sits in darkness. 

Please enjoy your day! 


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