October 13, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Wednesday

Exodus: 22:27

When he cries out to me, I will hear for I am compassionate"

Protection of Personal Property cont....

If a man grazes his livestock in a field or vineyard and let them stray and they graze in another's man field, he must make restitution from the best of his own field.

The New Commandments

Love your neighbor as you Love yourself

The Law of Love is one commandment (it is simplified) . Instead of trying to reminder or complete a daily check list all these commands can be placed under Do unto others as you have them do to you. 

If you love your neighbor as you love yourself you won't do things to them that you would not want done to you. It does not say emotionally fall in love with your neighbor but it says Love your neighbor like you love yourself.  Matter of fact the Law of Love will go beyond these because love includes so much more. It means today so much more and the list can go on and on. My personal thoughts: A person who has the spirit of God cannot commit destructive acts against another person. It is not the nature of God.

If a fire breaks out and spreads into thorn bushes so that it burns shocks of grain or standing grain in the whole field, the one who started the fire must make restitution.

If a man gives his neighbor silver or gold for safe keeping and they are stolen from the neighbors house, the thief, if he is caught, must pay back double. But if the thief is not found, the owner of the house must appear before the judges to determine whether he has laid his hands on the other man's property. In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any other lost property about which somebody says, this is mine; both parties are to bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges declare guilty must pay back double to his neighbor.

Love does not make you weak. 

Have a bless day!


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