October 22, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Friday 

The Three Annual Festivals cont....

  • Celebrate the feast of ingathering at the end of your year, when you gather in your crops from the field.
  • Three times a year all men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord.
  • The Fat of my festival offerings must  not be kept until morning. 
  • Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God.
  • Do not cook a young goal in its mothers milk. 
We have reached the end of the laws given to Israel
At Mount Sinai 
they left the desert of Rephidim. At this place they camped out in front of the mountain of God. God wanted the people to hear him speak to Moses. The were to consecrate themselves before meeting with God. These are the laws they were given. The law will always demand Justice.... but God is merciful.

  1. The ten commandments were given
  2. Personal Injuries laws 
  3. Hebrew Servant Laws
  4. Cases vs Principles (the Mosaic law relied on the eye for the eye principle)
  5. Personal Responsibility rights 
  6. Protection of Property
  7. (We compared it to the Law of Love given by Jesus Christ)
  8. Social Responsibility laws
  9. The Laws of Justice and Mercy
  10. The Sabbath Laws

Abraham was justified by his Faith.
It was the one thing Israel struggled with at the Red Sea. Especially when it came to water and food.
In the midst of their struggles they receive the Law!
Something to ponder. The purpose and working of the law and your Faith in God. We know Jesus mastered these things. But each day we grow and learn how to live by God's words. 
Have a great day!


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