November 01, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Monday!

The Tabernacle

Why did he bring them out?

What did God desire?

What did he want with Adam?

He wanted fellowship and to dwell with the man he created and loved so much. 

There was a curtain that separated the most holy space from the rest of the building. 

  • It had an altar
  • it had a court yard
  • it required for the priest to wear their priestly garments
In order for a man to approach God; this person needed to wash himself. In summary he needed to take a bath. Man could not go before God dirty. The washing was a symbol of purity. That man had been washed so he was pure. Ritual purification is achieved today by washing oneself partially (baptism) or completely washing oneself or the sprinkling of water. 



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