November 06, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Prayer and Praise is vital but the covenant is foundational. 

Everyone is not in covenant with God. '

Happy Saturday

Contrasting the Two covenants


  1. called the 1st covenant
  2. It had faults in it
  3. It was established by the promises of the people (all that the Lord said to do; we will do)
  4. there was no mediator
  5. there was no provision for the forgiveness of sins. (death was required in most cases).
  6. the law was written on tables of stone
  7. the law was the rock today, Jesus is tells us he is the rock and upon this rock (him) the cornerstone he will build his church. In the old testament the people built the temple. In the new testament or new covenant Jesus will build the church. 


  1. Called the new covenant
  2. the 2nd covenant
  3. confirmed with the blood of Christ
  4. it is a better covenant
  5. there is no flaws in this covenant
  6. we should rejoice
  7. we should sing and dance
  8. it is established upon the promises of God.
  9. we have a mediator (Jesus stands between us and God)
  10. we have forgiveness of sins
  11. the law is written upon the heart

The law never goes away. Upon this covenant God establishes his expectations (his law) but he changes important features from the old to the new. 
How does the Law look today?
How should we view it?

FALSE IDEA: the law is abolished (it does not exist). God never did away with the law. He wrote it in stone the 1st time. The second time he writes it upon the heart and there is a deeper working inside of man that God does but he does not tell us to forget his commandments or laws. 

Have a great day!


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