November 21, 2021 HOPE

 Topic: Prayer and Praise   

If we lose hope we will not enter into faith; and if we lose hope we will drift away from prayer and praise.

What is Hope to the Christian?

"Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil." Hebrews 6:19

Never lose hope:

Even in prison

Even in darkness

Even in sorrow

Even in grief 

Have a blessed day!

I love you

( I know a woman who says; how can we love people we don't know? She says it is lying for Christian's to say I love you to someone or people they barely know. I think she is thinking from a emotional perspective. Her argument is she cannot have feelings for someone she does not know. The Love that God desires or speaks of is............ even though that person is a stranger when he says love your neighbor he is referencing to how you TREAT them and since they are strangers the measurement is love them like you love yourself. Love them enough to feed them if you see them hungry or in need. Not an emotional romantic love. Or a feeling we get from those we know. And sometimes people know others and think they love them but will not help them in a time of need. That is not love or we could say that love needs a feeling to it. They do not feel the love so they have no love actions. Our love is treating others the way we want to be treated and there is nothing emotional or romantic about that; it is more logical and ethical.


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