November 29, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Monday

This bible study has been a blessing. I begin it a year ago and it did so well. I came back this year. I will be studying again next year. If you remember 2020, I posted really long reading passages. If it is the Lords will; I will return back to those long passages in New Testament and Old testament. Good old fashion bible reading. This year I used the illustrated bible (good historical stories) the book of Exodus, also the Bible Readings bible (it has scriptures and topics), next year I will be in the bible.

We are going to finish up Hope

and end with Prayer for this year!

What do Christians Rejoice in?

Why are they so happy?

Why do they sing?

Why rejoice?

What makes them so happy?

They are always singing and clapping!


"By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." 

Romans 5:2


Your enemy is not the mentally instable person you think is working voodoo on you. Or the crazy people who live around you. It is you and what you think about others. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. If you call them dogs, and demon possessed you are bringing upon yourself the very nasty words you speak about others. God says to blessed your enemies and do good to them and while doing good; that very goodness will come upon you like a beautiful water fall. If you are nasty and speak ill of others you bring yourself down with them. They are not the poison hurting you but the poison is in your evil heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. If you speak ill of others its because your heart is filled with evil. Why would God allow a mentally instable person to conquer you or cause you to fall from grace. Are you not smarter or more able then the mentally ill. That thinking is silly thinking. Just think you let a mentally ill person make you speak evil. If they are ill they do what ill people do. Graduate to the law of goodness and there you will find hope and peace and a better walk with God; and there will be no need to talk about that dog person you hate so much. You hate them so much they are not human but they are dogs and that means you heart is filled with evil.

Let us gird up our minds and not allow the enemy to trick us. 


If a person is mentally instable and you say you are filled with the Holy Ghost and mentally able you should be not on the level of name calling and hateful words, and actions towards mentally instable people (as we say). You as a mentally sound person will understand that, that person has a condition that needs God's help. What manner of Christian man or woman speaks ill of people with mental conditions. That's a Christian I would not follow or support. If you see unbelievers and the nicest thing you can say is they are dogs! Woof, Woof, If you say I am of a greater caliber you have to question your own mind. I want to follow the man that speaks faith and hope to those lost and that's the Christian I want to be. He or she is not looking at he outter condition of a person but they have hope because they speak well of people. We hear and see their faith more than their evil thoughts.

Stop the fighting with the mentally ill. Just speak goodness and watch goodness come back to you 100 fold. 

Have a blessed day!

Have a great day!


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