January 18, 2022

 God With Us

Happy Tuesday

When You call upon him he will hear..........He hears because he never leaves or forsakes us.

Psalms 17

A prayer of David.

 Hear me, LORD, my plea is just; listen to my cry. Hear my prayer— it does not rise from deceitful lips. Let my vindication come from you; may your eyes see what is right. Though you probe my heart, though you examine me at night and test me, you will find that I have planned no evil; my mouth has not transgressed.  Though people tried to bribe me, I have kept myself from the ways of the violent through what your lips have commanded.  My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not stumbled.  I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.  Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.  Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings  from the wicked who are out to destroy me, from my mortal enemies who surround me.  They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance.  They have tracked me down, they now surround me, with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground.  They are like a lion hungry for prey, like a fierce lion crouching in cover.  Rise up, LORD, confront them, bring them down; with your sword rescue me from the wicked. By your hand save me from such people, LORD, from those of this world whose reward is in this life. May what you have stored up for the wicked fill their bellies; may their children gorge themselves on it, and may there be leftovers for their little ones.  As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.

God never leaves David.

I can relate to his heart felt prayer because during moments and times of trouble the soul is vexed and sometimes we don't feel God. 

But it is a fact; he is with us.

He goes on to say .....save me from people whose reward is in this life. 

I know that David mentions people a lot in this book. But when we go on to the New Testament God tells us that our war is not with people its with principles, and principalities, and spiritual wickedness in the heavens. David is on earth and it is true we see the people. We see their mischievous deeds but God works on a higher level. He sees spirits and the evil man has welcomed on the earth and he delivers us from evil. He is our protection. It is not a one time saving thing. He is our salvation daily and our salvation to heaven. It is an everyday thing. 

Secondly have you ever had someone be so good to you; and you were not as good to them and you felt an insecurity that maybe they would leave you or stop loving you because of how imperfect you are. 

The Psalms speaks of humanity.

The Ups and downs of life. 

Matthew 10 

When he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Now the names of the twelve apostles are these.

1. Simon who is called Peter. Peter goes on and does a lot in the name of Jesus.

2. Andrew (Peter's brother). Whom we don't hear much from.

3. James the son of Zebedee

4. John (James Brother). The Disciple that Jesus Loved. They were close.

5. Philip

6. Bartholomew

7. Thomas (he doubted the Lord's resurrection).

8. Matthew (the publican) Writings in the New Testament

9. James (the son of Alphaeus)

10. Simon (the Canaanite)

11. Judas Iscariot (the one who betrayed Jesus) Jesus picked him even though he was a devil. But the Lord picked him ???? God had a purpose even for this bad man and his bad actions. God calls the great and those who serve his purpose. 

12. Lebbaus (whose surname was Thaddaeus)

12 men far from perfect. Have great confidence that he is with you. He can call us out of darkness. We are not horrible creatures he runs away from but he comes right to us. Looks us in the face and has the power to rid us of the rotten things in our soul. He came to heal the sick sinners not run away from them. But he went to them. 

Have a great day!


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