August 25, 2022

 God With Us

Happy Thursday!

The blues

Rap music

Hanging with sinners


Matthew 15:11 (CSB) It's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." Matthew 15:11 (DBY) Not what enters into the mouth defiles the man; but what goes forth out of the mouth, this defiles the man.

WHAT COMES OUT OF YOU IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GOD. These things should not be coming OUT of us. 

  • lying
  • speaking ill of others
  • manipulating others
  • being false
  • murder

My Music choice:

I listen to all types of music. But it has to have a positive message. I am not so hard on myself. I listen to rap music too. I know people think bi-polar or personality changes....some people know everything.......but I get it..because they are completely different music types. What they think is okay with me as long as God keep on blessing me. In summary what I mean is their approval or disapproval of my music choice does not reflect what God thinks about me. On the other hand, God cares about my heart, my attitude, and my thoughts. 

I love this song...Enjoy!

It is not gospel music it comes from a movie about a group of people who all needed God. 

Yes. The fighting temptations. 

I love this move

You had the saved church ladies--they were tough

The other saved woman--realized they like everyone but they have to be true to what they believe God wants.

You had the party club singing--loving the men ---lady---anointed but unable to settle down.

You had the money chasing man--Cuba Gooding

The Paster--he was caught in the middle---the church---and his love for all people.

The kids--they didn't care.

God---Loves them all

Fighting temptations, The Movie. I love this move. My favorite. 

Each one had flaws. They came from all walks of life. Each one is important. This is what God does. He brings all these strange people together and together there is power. Don't push away the blues singers. If they sing for the Lord praise the Lord for the that one song. You may get them to do more. 

Have a great day!


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