April 27, 2023

 God is Good

Happy Thursday!

good things in his character. God is kind!

Trust God with any person who does the wrong thing. Trust God with correcting that situation. He has lots of agents he can use. When we are apart of the situation it's hard to see clearly. Just be kind and trust God. Trust God to handle that person that keep doing you wrong. Trust his timing. He didn't call Peter to fix Andrew. But we have his model on how to deal with each other. As we go into the world they need to see fellow believers getting along. Use your faith to be kind even when we want to be cruel to fix a cruel person. Or pay them back. There is correction and then their is nipicking. It's not our job to fix everything wrong. Give yourself a break. A time out. It will get fixed. Don't let angry 😡 people make you angry. Don't let stressful people stress you out. Etc....

Someone ask me how do you remain calm when everything is crazy and things and people are swinging from the roof? 

I always say. I dont control other people choices. I will never try. I try to be the peace in the storm. When everyone else goes crazy 🤪 who needs one more. Rest in God. 

Crazy wants to bred crazy

Every tree produces after its own kind

If they go crazy 🤪 why am I following them.

Follow Christ. 

Have a great day! 


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