May 12, 2023

 God is Good

Happy Friday! 

God is love

You want to get rid of an enemy. 

LOVE them. 

Of course you cannot fellowship with them but in your inner heart seek their salvation and good fortune in life. Pray for peace even when they cause you strife. Of course the enemy works through them. When his plan stops having success his end has come. 

To hate someone takes strength and power and guess what? You will remain connected to them. The devil knows you hate them. He feeds the hate. He will make sure they or whoever you hate continues to do what they are doing because it produces the hate fruit in us. God says love your enemies. It has to come from the heart. Do good to them. And guess what you will release them and yourself. The bond of Satan is broken. He holds the hate together. He has them and you. He uses them to touch you. But God is so good he tells us to love because it's good for us. You belong to God. Get the devil off you. Don't spend 20 years hating anyone. Don't spend 12 years talking about them. Today be free. They cannot touch you. What gets to us is Satan because we carry hate. God will even bring justice if we trust him.

How do I know?

I've been there. Today I choose to trust God with people. To love is your faith. Your faith that you believe in God.

Don't fall for hate.

They do us wrong. The enemy enjoys us talking about them but say something good. It's a trap. How come they are successful. Its not because of God. Its the hate we carry. Pray for them enemies and I will too. 


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