June 12, 2023

 God Is Good 

Happy Sunday/Monday! 

God is a Father! 

Quote: "The truth hurts but don't be that person that loves hurting others with it. God heals with the truth not hurt. If we hurt others with the truth let us hold ourselves to the same standard. Dont use Gods word as a weapon or a tool for evil. But with a pure heart. Then the truth opens and heals" For every harsh thing said, have 3 good things to say. Balance your truth or else you just hurt others instead of helping others. Is hurting others the truth.......or is it a way to offend others. If you feel God has given you a truth about someone. Do you know them? Will they accept it from you. What about praying about the right time to say this truth you claim you have. Are you in a position to give them the truth. Do they like you? or respect what you say? God can use anything if your not the one then just pray. If it's a broken relationship is God really using you? Are you angry with them? It's heart check before we give someone the truth we think we have or say we have especially if it hurts. God does will not use us to speak to people we don't like. We need a heart ♥ that is clean and we heal with the truth instead of killing others with it. 

Nakisha H.

1 Chronicles 29:12

“Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.”

King James Version (KJV)

Have a great day! 


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