June 20, 2023

 God Is Good

Thank you for reading!


He begins our FAITH.

Abraham was called a FRIEND of God. OMG. What intimacy. What fellowship. Just from our friends on earth we know we can talk to our friends; we can trust them with things we cannot trust others with. How beautiful is that!

On a commandment (God said) (Abraham trusted God) He journeyed unto Canaan! 

"Here at Ur began the epic journey of this wayfarer who lived as long before the birth of Christ, before Christs coming as we live after it. Abram walked with his clan up the sun-ridden valley of Mesopotamia to what is now Turkey. Later, in obedience to a divine command, he led his people to the Judean Highlands. He grazed his flocks in the Negev. Once, in a time of drought, he went down into the lush lands of Egypt."

  1. I am not sure about you but so many times people have told me. "God has a plan for your life. As we read about the the beginning of this great FAITH God begin with Abraham. He gave Abraham a son and from that son we received Jesus Christ. His plan was bigger than just Abraham it included a family and from that a town, and then a great people, and then this GREAT nation. 
  2. A plan can be passed down to your kids. It can be for generations. I truly believe that God is amazing because he controls the future, and present in the right now. I am in love with the minor details and major details about him. 
  3. We know that he is real. He knows us. Every little detail. 
  4. Once again thank  you for reading and I am a big believer in God. He is the author of our faith. We introduce people to God but they need to have a relationship with him.
  5. One thing that sticks out to me in the New Testament is the religious leaders had a control over the people. How nice would have been for them to say. This is Jesus, he greater than me. Listen to him. In that moment God was with them. It was time to be quiet. But they did not want God's plan they wanted their plan. It may have been out of jealousy or control that they could not comply with his plan. Secondly they did not believe in God. People don't belong to anyone. He calls them his sheep.  God wants us to trust people but at some point we need to give people to God. He can handle them. Or we can block them from God. We can stand in the gap in a bad way. All that believe should and could stand in the gap to bring them to God and wisdom will tell us when to get out of the way. God wants them. Abraham is the perfect example. He was not a man of many words. God used Moses to speak (to Pharaoh) but we only see Abraham obedience to God. He moves when God tells him. He is not a preacher but he is the FATHER OF FAITH. It begin with him listening and obeying God. What does that say to me? It is a one on one relationship with but God;  and out of his actions and belief God would build a great nation after him. How great is that? 
ACTIONS: How does FAITH begin
We can use Abraham as the example

As you read. Think about how your faith begin. Did God ask you to leave somewhere. You listen. Did he speak to you through a person. FAITH begin with God. This is different than PREACHING. 
FAITH Is the voice of God speaking to you/Obedience is you listening to him and doing what he says (or commands). 

Commands are actions words
1. sit down
2. Be quiet
3. Go do
4. Lift up
5. Rise up

A command gives an action. It just be praised when it is obeyed. Commands are hard. We tell dogs to sit. It is not pleasant but that's pride. God is great and we are not dogs. What he commands us is actually good things. Our new commandment is love

action=love yourself
love your neighbor

Jesus politely said should we listen to man or God.
Can a man give you faith.
But he said we make the word of God no effect when we put our traditions before the voice of God.

But we can encourage and push people to God.

IT comes from GOD.
How can I say this?
Abraham is the Father of Faith. We grow in our faith when we listen to God. 

Have a great day!
Happy Tuesday!


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