December 10, 2023

 God is Good

Happy Sunday/Monday!

15 Days until Christmas 

A Christmas Truth!

By NHercule

🌟(A Short Version)

Part 1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. On the 7th day he created man. He created man in his image and gave him a wife. As time went on people strayed away God. The earth 🌎 became filled with men who hearts were filled with the lust of the eye, the pride of life, and the lust of the flesh. But despite all the ways of man God made for himself a great people whom he would call his own. Genesis was the beginning. Abraham had faith and his seed was as many as the stars in the sky. Then there was their exodus from Egypt. Egypt was a land filled with people who did not serve God. In Deuteronomy the people followed Moses as he followed God. Without God how can we know how to be fair and how to treat one another. So, Moses gave the people the ten commandments of God. With Joshua as their leader the children of Israel took possession of the promise land. The book of Samuel expounds on the life of King David. After David there were many kings. Isreal had great kings and bad kings. The books of the prophets prophesied over and over again the righteous path God desired. They spoke over and over about how God could dwell among his people. He wouldn't be a good God if he didn't care how we lived. How we treated one another. It has to be hard for God to see oppression, hate, maltreatment, and injustice. He wanted to establish his kingdom and he promised us his son. That kingdom needed a king. His son was called the son of Righteousness by the prophets. His birth was spoken long before he arrived.

1. How would he come!

2. How does anyone get to 🌎 earth!

3. A seed. A womb. 

4. As a woman ages the quality of her eggs decreases. Doctors today can remove the egg. Store it. and later fertilize it. Then place the egg back into the womans holding place or uterus.That's a lot. Pretty strange way of conceiving a child. But we know it's truth. Hormone shots and a great doctor.

5. If man can do all that God did more long before science. 

To be cont...

Have a great day!


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