January 07, 2024

 Good morning.



Today we can build someone up with words that encourage them. 

If a person is struggling in a area then give them positive feed back as well as some negative feedback. Its not easy to correct but correction is beautiful and from a good place. There is a difference between correction and tearing people down. But what is the difference? Correction is done out of love. Gossip and slander is done against a person and most times to other people. Its people discussing you without you being present in the conversation. Correction is direct to you it is told to you. Slander is about you but said to other people and most times it is something nasty, or ugly, and unflattering. Things you would not share or things that's false. It would be nice if people were angry and sat down and said what they felt to the person they feel it towards but we know not every one has God in their hearts and we experience their anger through their words and actions. On the other hand, let us respect those who correct us; even if it hurts because there is a wrong and right way to judge or criticize something about the person. Do it in love. Tell them. If you have the guts to judge them then have the heart to tell them. I never seen gossip heal anything! If a person says that.... they are a liar. They have convince themselves that wrong things are right. Using your words in that manner seems to be more hurtful because you choose to talk to others rather than telling the person. I am far from having it all figure it out but I would think that creates even more problems. So choose wisely because words cannot reversed. You cannot un speak them. 

1. Encouragement is beautiful.

The bible is written for Christian people. 

It tells us how to speak and how to use our words for God's glory but today things have changed. If a person is angry with you. They have so many platforms to talk about you. It is through trolling, gossip, and sometimes it is acritical spirit that attacks everything you do. The saddest thing is we judge people we barely know. Words are the steering wheel...where is it going? 

Ecc 12:11

The words of the wise prod us to live well. They're like nails hammered home, holding life together. They are given by God, the one Shepperd. But regarding anything beyond this, dear friend, go easy. There's no end to the publishing of books, and constant study wears you out so you're no good for anything else. The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what he tells you. And that's it. Eventually God will bring everything that we do into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it is good or evil.'

Have you ever said something that hurt someone else but your intentions was not to hurt them. It happens. But when God judge us. I am so glad he is going to look our intentions. It happens without wanting it to happen. If have you never offend some one with your mouth. You are perfect. Sometimes it just happens. Or do you think we get better and better at it. We grow, we learn, we have all gossip or listen to it but we see the evil in it; and we learn the negative effects it has on everyone. 

Have a blessed day! 


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