January 25, 2024


Happy Thursday 😊 

Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎈 🎁

Conversations Jesus had. Words can win people. Words inspire them. Does truth inspire? Some might say yes others no. I believe truth convicts us. But if you want a man to change. What you say can inspire movement. Is it life or death? Since we have this great power in our tongues. The prophet told the dead bones to live. He didn't tell  them how shameful and ugly they was. They were dead. He did not say you smell. You smell awful. Personally. I dont think a dog is bothered by his smell. He is use to it. His nose is not like a human nose but it is different. So do negative words inspire salvation. No. They may depict or describe reality. But they have no power to change things for good. The prophet Elijah said... LIVE...Get up and live. That's inspiration. I will live and you will live. It's not ignoring the issues but it's saying the opposite. If it's dead it need to live. It needs sunshine, water πŸ’§ and a lot of good things.

1. Be whole

2. Pick up your bed and walk

3. Follow me

4. I am, 

5. God is

Maybe not you smell horrible. You ******* or whatever colorful words people say. People will say things. Sticks and stones is an understatement. People today have no shame or filter. it just flows. Thats not life. It's death because it's just describing the problem.

Unintentionally we can anger people by maybe not understanding different people, different types of thinking, and how to reach them. What if our words are like Sharpe knives that causes other to bleed. Or πŸ‘Špunches. The person gets beat up. Cut down like a 🌳tree. What is the balance? We live and learn.

In the passage below Jesus questioned them? I wonder sometimes in a conversation with a person who has made up their mind about what they think or feel about you; it's better to reason with them. What I mean is you dont want to defend yourself. But inspire higher thinking. Inspire them to question things. They are convinced but you can reason with you. 

Jesus asked them who is the Christ?

The son of David. (Their reply)

If he is the Son of David. Then David is over him, yet David called him Lord. (Jesus Questioned was going to get them thinking). 

How awesome πŸ‘Œ.  Great conversation.

He wanted to build on their knowledge but they couldn't go beyond David. He wanted to take them higher but they couldn't follow.

Remember the movie higher learning...awesome analogy of higher education and life. He learned a lot through his experiences and his education.

 Jesus Questions the Pharisees

41 While the Pharisees were together, Jesus asked them, 42 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?”

They answered, “The Christ is the Son of David.”

43 Then Jesus said to them, “Then why did David call him ‘Lord’? David, speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit, said,

‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit by me at my right side,
    until I put your enemies under your control.”’ Psalm 110:1

45 David calls the Christ ‘Lord,’ so how can the Christ be his son?”

46 None of the Pharisees could answer Jesus’ question, and after that day no one was brave enough to ask him any more questions.

Have a great day!


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