April 25, 2024


Happy Thursday! 

During this passover season.... something to 🧶 knit us together.

Exodus 12:11

And in this way, you should eat it, with your hips girded, sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you must eat it with haste.

My notes:

Throughout the bible eating is symbolic to internalizing something. It is taking it through the body. When we do Communion the bread represents his body. We eat it. We accept it. We internalized it. It represents something spiritual but we are naturally doing it. The cup is his blood. We drink it. Not literally but it represents something so beautiful. So if the eating seems illogical or silly try to think of it differently.

Lev 23:5

In the first month, on the fourteen day of the month, between the two evenings is passover to Jehovah.

My notes: 💭 

The Jewish new year differs from ours. Israel is another country. But on their calendar passover will fall differently. God brought the New  Year in with freedom for them.

Joh 6:4

Now when passover, the festival of the Jews was near. 

My Notes: 

We read this miracle in John all the time. But guess what when it happened it was passover.  It was a Jewish thing. Jesus knows it's festival time and he looks up and sees the crowd coming. He asked the disciples how would they feed the crowd. This is when the boy gives them the five barley loaves, and two small fish. It was passover and they used what they had. God blessed the small meal. He blessed it and it fed thousands. It is a big deal. Passover is celebrated with a meal. A long time ago during Exodus during passover they ate the meat. And put the blood on the door post.

New Testament 

This is for us ....Gentiles. He knits us together. The Lord is over us all. 

1 Co 5:7

Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, accordingly you are free from ferment, for indeed, Christ our passover has been sacrificed.

Ferment is:

1. Something that influences the natural state of something.

2. For example. Juice can be fermented when it is mixed with alcohol. The alcohol would be the ferment. The juice is no longer pure.

Unleavened bread has no leaven it. Nothing that makes it rise. It is PURE.

Leaven bread is bread mixed with extra ingredients to make it rise. It is not natural.

Doing passover the bread need to be unleavened bread. In America similar to a flat 🍞 bread. 

Christ is Your passover.

How beautiful ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

You are not left out if you are not Jewish. He gave us all his son.

You are the apple of his eye .... 💕

He mixed us together but he has different things but we all end up in his hands. He has the whole 🌎 in his hands. We might not understand the Jewish culture 100 percent but he made sure we understood the Cross. Jesus has fish and bread when he celebrates. Nothing is forgotten but the focus changes. Faith in Christ. He is our passover. God will passover when he sees the blood. 

Happy Passover 🍞💐🌍🐠

Have a great day!


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