May 14, 2024


His word is a light unto my feet.....

He walks

He leads and guides his sheep.   

His sheep hear his voice....and they follow.

Walking with God.

How beautiful it us. 

But the affect it has on others. I thought I would gain more friends; but the reality is I lose more than I gain. His word and walking with with him will separate the closest friends. One walks with God and the other chooses the world. Sometimes it will just be you and God. If you walk with God some people just don't want to go where you go with him. It causes division. A separation. Please tell that person goodbye you don't want to go where their going.What misery they offer. Can they feed you? Clothe you beautiful? Bring joy to your soul! The answer is no. What sane person chooses any human over God.

For a minute you might share fellowship but it is fleeting. They want you to go with them but you just can't walk with God and them. There lot in life awaits them.

Where are we going Lord?



Along the way we make some choices.

A closer walk with him might mean walking away.... 

(A man promised another, he said every little step you take, I promise to follow you, to harass you. This is not a love story like Bobby Brown song, "Evey little step I take." This man was more like a nightmare  who promised to stick around. He vowed and decided to follow this man with the intentions of being a thorn. Nothing like your personal thorn. Committed and dedicated. The man he spoke the words to never look back. But he remembered Jesus welcome everyone to follow him. He followed him on Instagram, and social media, and went to listen to speak wherever he was. The man told him about God every chance he got. They can follow you but make sure you never follow them.) Take them to God. Some follow with the intentions of finding fault (Pharisees did that to Jesus). They had some religion  just not enough to change their hearts. They dont reside in the world and they not quite with God. They sharpen Gods children. They function like a thorn. But those who truly belong to God must learn to handle critics. What does that look like. Have patience with them, ignore some insults, pray for them, keep telling them about God. Others follow you because you both are going the same way. Then it's those you realize are on a different path of life and you have to separate from them because your relationship with God will be hindered.

They want you to go where they go....but you hear his voice calling you back anytime you drift too far. You realize you were following someone but where are they taking you? They were leading you. Let God be the leader. Follow others as they follow Christ.

Read this beautiful hymn written years ago....

Olney Hymns, I, [Walking with God]

William Cowper
1731 –

Oh! for a closer walk with God,
     A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
     That leads me to the Lamb!

Where is the blessedness I knew
     When first I saw the Lord?
Where is the soul-refreshing view
     Of Jesus and his word?

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
     How sweet their memory still!
But they have left an aching void,
     The world can never fill.

Return, O holy Dove, return!
     Sweet the messenger of rest!
I hate the sins that made thee mourn
     And drove thee from my breast.

The dearest idol I have known,
     Whate'er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from thy throne,
     And worship only thee.

So shall my walk be close with God,
     Calm and serene my frame;
So purer light shall mark the road
     That leads me to the Lamb.

From Olney Hymns (1779) by William Cowper. This poem is in the public domain.

Have a beautiful day!


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