April 17, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Saturday

Who praises the Lord?

1. Those that fear God

2. Those that have faith in him

3. Those that have little hope

4. The bible tells the poor to never shy away from praising him because of circumstances. Its easy to praise God when things are grand but it is hard when you are hunger and in need of basic human needs. Most of us are trying hard to keep up with those who have acquire great wealth. There are some who are given, born, or oppressed to have very little. And yes God knows those who are poor. Gaining wealth and riches can be slow but its okay to ask God for wisdom. Where to spend or put your money. Ask God to show you paths. 

Psalms 135: 20

House of Levi, praise the Lord; you who fear him, praise the Lord.

138: 1

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; before the "gods I will sing your praise.

139: 14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 

Have a beautiful Saturday!

The Sun is shining!

God is good!

He sees the good, the bad, the wicked, the saved, and the unsaved. His eye is on the sparrow and he definitely can see us on this earth. God is big. His eyes look to and fro and on the earth. He sees me. He sees you! Remember the blind man. How many people walk passed him. Their eyes could not see things because their heart could not see. But Jesus saw him and stopped. He is the only God I want. When I need help. I need him to hear and see me. How special is that. He takes the time to take care of you. He is the good shepherd. 


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