April 18, 2021

 Topic: Praise and Prayer

Happy Sunday

Let every thing on the earth praise the Lord. But we know that is not always what happens. It is a truth but it not always what happens in all moments of life. But we think about how good God is despite what we do we would always praise the Lord. Secondly there is evil on the earth and it does not praise or honor God. 

There is an old saying, misery love company. How often does the enemy work on the mind telling us complete lies about God. Things such as God doesn't love you or you have problems and God has not fixed it yet. Or he doesn't care about you because you are not a special famous person. Its all lies. 

Or the biggest lie is that God does not know you or your name. He knows the good and the bad because he created them. Trust me he knows you. The bible says he is all knowing. I believe that some people may reference the time of judgement when Jesus will separate the goats and sheep and he says I never knew you to those on his left. He is referring to them as being a servant of his. The Lord says in that great day many will say to him. We preached in your name. We did this or that in your name but he will say, Depart from me, I never knew you. It is not saying he doesn't know as if he does not recognized. He labels them as goats so he knows them but they are not one of his. His name means his authority or with his permission. He says no I never knew you as being apart of me. But not in the sense that God does not know they are on the earth because in psalms it says we are fearfully and wonderfully made but not everybody serves him. In judgement he is simply referring the works men and women did on the earth not so much he didn't create them. 

But As far as being a part of creation and being on the earth. God knows you. His son whom he loves dearly had circumstances. He wants you. He loves you. He created you. He created for specific purposes on the earth.

Praise the Lord

Psalms 144:1

Praise be to the Lord Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

145: 10

All your works praise you, Lord, your faithful people extol you.


Praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord, my soul.

Have a blessed Sunday! 

May the sun shine on you!

Don't the block others from the sunlight.

Get out the way so they can see clearly. 


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