May 22, 2020

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Saturday

PS 21:5

We praise God because he is righteous and Good. Psalms 21: reveals that God granted him (David)  great blessings, and great victories. God also bestowed splendor and majesty on those whom he chooses. He tells the noble men to gird your sword on your side; and to the mighty he tells them to clothe themselves in majesty. God loves his creation and when you have a relationship or a closeness to God he gives you the same things he enjoys. 

It begins with prayer and praise and look what develops out of a intimate relationship with God. 


We are in the middle of the year! 

A lot of people think its about getting right to have God. It is more about being sincere and allowing him to change you one day at a time. If you were perfect you would not need God. The bible says he leaves the 99 to go after the one. If you are not bearing fruit knock on his door. Those that are bearing fruit don't need his help. They have it all together. But if you lack fruit and you lack the ability to act right. We are in the right place. Seeking God through prayer and fasting. I am going to do a bible study next year (if it God's will) on how the devil wants us to pretend to be perfect so that we can be accepted. God is always asking us to be honest and not hiding behind religion, church, and scriptures. If you have issues never be ashamed and guess what it is no ones business. Not your pastor and not even your spouse unless you trust them to carry or know your issue. Jesus said I came for the sick but do you know how many people had a hard time realizing they were sick. Everybody said I am well. They were afraid to tell the truth. So they hide and put on a mask. Just like Adam they hid themselves. When you really get honest we pretend a lot and sometimes the highest person need the most help and those we think are the lowest are really honest people. I have people who come to me and point out my faults and flaws. I say thank you because when you know you need help you are on the right path. When you say all is well with me sometimes It makes you critical of others and unable to help others. They sit in a position of judgment on others but we know that person needs help to. So what I am saying is; if you have not obtain keep going. Just bless those who have obtained and you stay your course because one day the change will come. 

I know very traditional people who believe you have to bend your knee and bow your head or else you are not praying. They don't believe that you pray. Isn't that something people have to see it to believe it. Well they will be confuse looking at me. I believe in both but I pray in my car on the way to work. I pray when I have moments to myself. I pray in the kitchen while I fix breakfast. It is moments I can grab throughout the day. Don't wait till you have the perfect moment. A perfect pillow. A bowed head. That is good but If I waited for times to bow my knee I would never pray. It may not be acceptable to pray like that at work. Now we wear mask. I pray all the time no one can see my lips. I am only saying that to make a point not to prove something. I have nothing to prove to anyone. If they say nay, I say whatever because you can't argue with a person like that. Honestly they want to accuse and discredit people so they need to say what they say and do what they do. And to be honest I think God wants us to pray for those like that. They need him the most because they have traditions but not God. I say this to say that we all have busy lives and there are traditional people who have a formal approach to prayer and that it awesome but its okay to pray anyway that you can. Never perform for people. Jesus said to not make prayer a show or performance thing. It is private a between you and God so it is better if people don't know your prayer moments. But our works should a blessing to others. You find the balance for you. Work it out for you. When the Pharisees come and say to Jesus why don't they pray on their knees. Or they not really praying? With all that is going on in the world some strange person wants to question everybody else prayer habits. That person is sick and need help but do what Jesus said; do we answer to man or God? God bless you and I hope your day is fill with all things good. 

Have a great day!


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