June 16, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Wednesday

Psalms 147 19-20

He has revealed his word to Jacob, 

his laws and decrees to Israel.

He has done this for no other nation;

they do not know his laws. 

Praise the Lord. 

"they do not know his laws" this statement suggest to me that when God gives his law to a city, nation, group, church, or person as a blessing to them it is not a burden or a punishment. When God gave the ten commandments it was to bless the people after coming out of slavery but some how they saw it as a punishment or burden. Think about that person living any kind of way basically they do whatever pleases them. They might not answer to no one why does it bother some religious people. It is not for us to make people do what is right because they need his spirit to even be able to keep the law and God can write his word upon their heart and if he has not done that just keep praying for that person. We should never hurt, mistreat, or disrespect someone because they don't live according to God's laws. Just think about it when you do what is right God has favored you. He has truly blessed you. 


The Law is a complex and it takes really learning, praying, to marry the Old and New Testament. But if you ever truly want to learn don't wait for someone to teach you. Open the bible, pray and read is for yourself. As you read I bet God will be writing upon you heart. He will be sowing it deep with in. 



Have a great day!


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