July 26, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Monday

Jesus gives thanks to God for the five loaves and two fish, 

Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, 

looked up toward heaven,

and asked God's blessing on the food. 



Martin Luther King said: Your attitude determines your altitude. 

Its all about how you see things. 

Your deposition in life determines where you go in life.

If you complain about everything how can you be happy in any circumstance but if you can stand a stand of goodness in any circumstance you can have everything.

If you remember the prayers in psalms then you remember that when the Psalmist (king David) complained not much changed but when he begin to praise God things begin to change. He saw God move. Find the good in the bad. Look at how you respond more than what is happening and watch how things change. It may not be quick but sooner or later it will change because you change and that determines what happens around you. If the enemy knows you are unhappy he will continue to do what he does; but when you master things you become greater than anything he slings your way. In bad situations we cannot change people but we can stop people from changing us or making us do what is unflattering or those things we desire not to do. I am still learning and growing; however I have come to a place that I desire for situations to stop making me act unflattering and I want to adjust me. In simple terms I want to be calm, cool, and respond with grace. I want to be THANKFUL in all things and that is when things CHANGE for the better.  Sometimes things drive us or keep us in a place that we don't want to be so the SAME things keep happening just because it is working. But when we adjust and change we find that those things begin to submit unto us because when they happen we answer with the RIGHT answer instead of the wrong one. I love the psalms and I love it because we see the human side to a man that love God but we also get to see that our human nature does not please or make God do anything. But it is when we decide to face challenges with maturity things turn and maturity is faith; it is doing what is right instead of falling down and crying because things are not going the way we desire. It is saying I know my God is real so I can do what he tells me no matter what my enemy does. I know the enemy does what he does but it does not have to alter the inner being.

Jesus prays to the Father and says thankful for his blessings.

Have a great day!


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