October 06, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

The Law did not stop with the ten commandments.

The law continues with how we should treat one another. How we treat people who work for you. How to treat your neighbors.

A slave is a servant.

We can use slave or servant. Not like slavery in Egypt. Remember God delivered them from that. So in Sinai he is telling them how to treat one another.

Warning: this will take a few days. 


  • If you buy a Hebrew servant he must serve 6 years
  • His family is one; they are not to be separated 
  • Anyone who strikes a man or woman and kills them shall surely be put to death
  • If it is unintentional and God allows it to happen, he is too flee to the place God designates.
  • Similar to Moses when he killed the Egyptian who was beating a slave.
  • Anyone who attacks their mother or father must be put to death
  • Anyone who curses his mother or father will suffer death.
  • Anyone who kidnaps another and either sells him or still has him when he is caught must be put to death.
To be continued its pretty long. 

The Law helps us understand Jesus Christ and love him all the more.

Have an awesome day!


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