October 27, 2021

 Topic: Prayer and Praise

Happy Wednesday!


Late September to early December is the time where farmers get to see the reward of the growing season. Harvest starts in mid-September, and most do not understand all the work that goes into harvest. Making sure that all crops are dry is the most important. This is important for storage reasons. We plant late winter and early spring and harvest this time of year. Harvest or look forward to things you have sowed. What things have you sowed?

What month is harvest time?

Typically harvest season starts late September or early October for those farming and growing crops outside. Before the weather changes and cools as autumn approaches, the crops are cut and collected, ready to be used for cooking and eating.

Sow Kindness

Sow joy Sow righteousness    Sow helpfulness     Sow mercy    Sow money     Give gifts and offerings

Reaping season is harvest season. The things you sow return right back to you. Some 40, some 60, and some 100 fold. 


God confirmed the covenant with them through Moses.

  1. They left Egypt
  2. The law is given
  3. Moses is able to come close to God, and God gives him the ten commandments 
  4. the people worship God at a distance.
  5. They offer or give God a sacrifice
  6. Moses took half the blood of the sacrifice and put it into a bowl and the other half he sprinkled on the alter
  7. the glory of the Lord settles on that mountain.
Have a great and beautiful Wednesday!


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